Saturday, March 30, 2013

So you are a Bad B****?

"B**** don't kill my vibe"-Kendrick Lamar.

Have you ever been called a "bitch"? How did it feel?

I am human, living in this world the same as you. Yes, I have been called the B word. And yes I have listened to radio stations that play songs that use this word in their music. As people we need to work, and we also need to play, sometimes for some of us playing gets carried away-but, we don't play those games.. Queen of Sheba's play with class, integrity and honor.We just do not play that...

I've heard b**** many times in my life, but I remember the first time being called the B word really hurt me. He let the word leave his lips as if it were my name. He knew me, had my fidelity and commitment, YET, It was very
natural and easy for him to address me as this in making his point. Silly me, I thought that word was reserved for some women. In didn't sit well with me that this person I loved considered it a term for ALL women, including me. What ever happened to resolving differences like adults?

This was a real eye opener for me, It didn't matter who I was, or what the context or nature of the conversation was, I was seen as a Bitch, end of story. I had changed this person's life and I was extremely loyal to him, yet he relying on what he knew to be correct betrayed me with his choice of words. This word not only is derogatory and cold, but it is a word used to describe YOU, when you should actually be addressed as princess, young woman, damsel...most naturally. Yet G's up  Ho*'s down is the code of this dejected world, and many of our future husbands and fathers celebrate this sentiment with much zeal. I say to you that the continued use of this word can only contribute to a world of female VICTIMS. Rick Ross raps- “Put molly all in her champagne, she ain’t even know it/ I took her home and I enjoyed that, she ain’t even know it.”- Are you a Queen or are you a victim? Honestly ask yourself?

Time for change. There has to be an understanding between men and women that us daughters of the almighty creator ought to be regarded with honor and consideration at all times without excuse or exemption. If you are having issues within your intimate relations with your woman, take it to a psychiatrist, don't poison national and international air waves. But there isn't this understanding in the studios of Hot 97, Interscope, Young Money, or Maybach music. Young women are plundered for their bodies, not for the natural intrinsic value they bring to family and society.
Society will have to learn how to  love us, and how to not be afraid to love us.
Young women, when you are truly ready, you will learn that there is nothing wrong with being submissive too, or cooperating WITH someone you TRULY love, respect, honor and cherish. However, this person must be worthy of your cooperation. A partner must be poised to respect you like he does the women in his close circle and family. Your submision is in exchange for maintaining and improving your quality of life, not lowering it. You are not a bad person for demanding respect; This does not make you a Bitch.

A bitch is an animal. She is walked on a leash. She is extremely loyal, and if domesticated answers to a master. She rolls over occasionally and allows you to rub her tummy. She doesn't sleep in a bed, use a toilet, bathe in a shower or dine with a knife and fork. She sleeps on the floor or outside, has to
be walked, gets hosed down, and eats from a bowl.

You are a woman, not a b****.
You can create for yourself and for the benefit of others, you can speak and make a difference. You have an opinion that counts and that under law must be counted. You have dreams and ambitions; and your life being the only one you have to live, is extremely important and precious to you. You are someones future mother. You are someones child, someones friend, someones niece, someones cousin and most important you should be someone to yourself. Yet, you are under attack consistently. Every time you turn on the radio, the music channel or go to a party or club...your potential, your heart, your mind, and your soul is attacked. 

Okay you 're not a B***, you are a Bad Bi***. And what is that? I understand, its like the N word. Take an oppressive word and create it to be something empowering. "I'm a bad B***", basically that means that you are very attractive, shop at the most exclusive stores and can have anyone that you desire. You call the shots depending on how many cute guys you can subdue with your sex. Your mom should be really proud. Your worth is basically defined not by you, but by how many men can follow you  out of a room, and how many women can envy you- men who probably don't have degrees, don't have jobs and aren't taking care of their own daughters, but ooze sex appeal and charm, and "talk that talk"; as Rihanna says.

What would it take for you to avoid using this word. How easy would it be for you to separate yourself from people who use this word and who think using it is cool and alright. It's everywhere; you must be the change you wish to see in the world. Write about it, set standards amongst your social circles, start rallies,plan projects projects. Do something, this is about YOU.

Being a Queen is about governance and responsibility. Its about taking responsibility and authority in your world. Being a Queen is about possesing the power to affect positive change.

As it stands you have the potential to be great women, and if you allow anyone to address you simply because you are a woman as bi***, slu***, or hoe., you are failing to see your true potential.

Throughout our program all our debutantes are addressed as Princess. If your name is Tameka, your portfolio will read Princess Tameka, and at roll this is how you will be called.

At Graduation you will be given the title of Queen- . You will be  awarded with the title The Honorable Queen Tameka of  the order of the Q.O.S Debutantes. You earned it, it's yours.

As you go forward in your life, it will be with new eyes and new ears. You will attract new circles and affect real change. Because of your example, no one will know what a B**** is, and anyone who does insist on using these derogatory words when addressing you will jeopardize their place in society, for you are a Queen.

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